Book Train Rolls Out of the Station!

One of the reasons, I loved going to my grandparents’ was their big wooden box in the basement filled with toys and books. There was one thing in particular that I loved—a giant picture book of Little Red Riding Hood. I’d toss the toys aside to find it and sit myself right down on that cold concrete floor to flip through its pages. Although I had toys, I had no books of my own at home.

After publishing One for the Murphys, (Nancy Paulsen Books/Penguin, May, 2012) a children’s novel about a tough girl who is changed by a loving foster family, I’ve found that few foster children have their OWN books. Yes–most foster parents provide books but for a foster child to OWN a book? This is rare. I want to change that.

I know as an author, a teacher, a parent, and a former child that reading opens doors–not only out in the big world–but also within the heart. I know that if I had had books of my own when I was young, I may have been kick started earlier–rather than waiting until my sixth grade teacher changed everything.  He took the time to look beyond my disheveled appearance. The fact that I’d been in the lowest reading group since first grade. He looked beyond those things and more. He took an interest in me. He set high expectations. And then he began giving me books.

Thank you cards

I learned about the impact a caring adult can have on a life. I also learned that books feed the mind. They change hearts and expectations and perceptions.

And, therefore, they change futures.

So, I started BOOK TRAIN. I hope you will help me spread, not only the books themselves, but also the love and pride of ownership of such beloved books. Books of every genre, for every age group, and every reading level.

If you would like to donate a book, please go HERE to choose an address to a DCF volunteer. This wonderful person will put your donation directly into the hands of a child. (You may order a book online and have it shipped directly–no shipping charge or hassle!) You will receive a Book Train thank you card that will also serve as a tax receipt–provided you include your mailing address with your donation.

Thanks so much.

Now, let’s get this train rolling…

Lynda Mullaly Hunt

9 Comments on “Book Train Rolls Out of the Station!

    • Thanks so much, Rosanne. I’ve tried to help out by setting this up but the real heroes are the foster care workers. They have been amazing… You are a hero for donating. Thank you! 🙂


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