Welcome Back to School Giveaway

I am writing to THANK teachers for supporting One for the Murphys—but mostly I want to thank them for being who they are. For being with children every day. Affecting lives. Expanding imaginations. Bolstering self esteem. Seeing the child before the test-taker. Basically, being AWESOME.

So, I thought I’d express my appreciation with a giveaway. Giveaway includes:

August giveaway

  • Ten signed copies of Scholastic Book Club’s One for the Murphys
  • One copy of Break These Rules (I have one essay in here that I will sign. This is YA, though.)
  • Twelve  Be someone’s hero bracelets
  • A class set of signed bookmarks
  • Two Murphys pens
  • Two Be someone’s hero lanyards
  • A free 45-minute Skype visit with Lynda during the 2013-2014 school year

To enter, please make a comment below, share on FB, RT on Twitter, or post on your own Twitter acct. Please copy me there at @Lynmullalyhunt. Each share/tweet/etc. is an additional entry. Thank you!!  Winner will be chosen at 11:59 pm on Saturday, August 17th.

Also, here is the printable Teacher’s Guide with questions, graphic organizers, Writing prompts, and Common Core info for grades 5-8.

Here is the Official Book Trailer.

Again—my THANKS to teachers for all that you are doing. Many of your students may not understand your influence on their lives until years from now. But, having had some teachers that changed my life, I want to thank you on their behalf today. J


94 Comments on “Welcome Back to School Giveaway

  1. Hello,

    Loved your book! Not sure if you remember tweeting with me about Red Sox?? (@brentjpeterson). Can’t wait to use your trailer for one of my BookFlix Friday blog posts. My kids tend to devour books I share this way. Looking forward to more from you!!


  2. I haven’t read your book, but I’m really looking forward to doing so and passing it on to my students. Thanks for recognizing the work that we do!


  3. I wear my “Be someone’s hero” lanyard every day at school…and used your signed book marks as reading incentives…the kids were so excited!!! They love “One for the Murphy’s” !!!


    • Lynda what a wonderful gift! One for the Murphy’s was one of the most circulated book in my classroom last year! It really touched several of my students who also had been in foster homes. Thank you for this give away but more importantly thank you for writing this book!


  4. My students LOVED this as a read-aloud. I’d love to do as a whole class novel. This is an awesome book.


  5. All students and teachers who I hand this book to love it as much as I do. This year plan on using it for our Brown Bag Book Club. On Twitter today someone shared a news piece on a summer camp for foster sibling who have been separated, powerful piece to use with this book.


  6. Just finished your book…simply amazing! Can’t wait to share it with my fifth graders!


  7. This is a fabulous book…I will be highly recommending it this year!!!


  8. Our middle school LA teachers read OFTM as a book study. Our students loved it too, often confessing that they had cried while reading it. Looking forward to reading more from you.


  9. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great title in multiple copies. Would make a GREAT book club selection during sixth grade lunch. Terrific way to get-to-know kids as they embark on their adventure in our middle school (grades 6-8).


  10. As a former teacher, I know how helpful class sets of books can be! Plus, this book is beyond awesome!
    If I win, I’m passing my loot onto a deserving teacher. Several family members are teachers, plus my sister is an elementary principal. THANK YOU for this giveaway.


  11. Really enjoyed your book. I would love to share copies with kids. I can do a joint program with the local school, 5th grade class.


  12. Thank you for this opportunity! Can’t wait to share this book with my students. 🙂


  13. Thanks so much for being supportive. I’m a middle school ELA teacher and I like to use passages from OFTB to teach voice in writing. Like many schools in the US, our reading budget has been slashed. We collect bottles and turn them in at the redemption center to buy books for class libraries. It’s sad, really. Thank you for recognizing that YA fiction still matters.


  14. I do not need the fantastic swag that Lynda is offering, but I wanted to say how generous she is. I have Skyped with her and a book club at my elementary school. She is charming and very interesting. I am excited she has been nominated for the Colorado Children’s Book Award, which means children choose the books that are nominated. It is an EXCELLENT story. I look forward to her next book!


  15. Wow! What a awesome back to school giveaway. As a principal of a small school in an urban area, I would love to share this with my students. Thank you Lynda!


  16. As the district librarian I have read “One for the Murphys” as it is on the Maine Student Book Award List 🙂 I think this would be a great book to begin a book club with my students. I know my students would be very excited to read and discuss this wonderful book.


  17. Loved this book and can barely keep our copy on the classroom shelves. Appreciate the chance at these wonderful copies!


  18. What a great giveaway, Lynda! Of course, the best gift of all is One For The Murphys! Thanks for such a great book, and thanks for recognizing and honoring teachers.


  19. One for the Murphys was amazing…brought tears to my eyes….My students have enjoyed it too!


  20. This is tremendous, thank you! I’m an Instructional Coach in an elementary school, and I’d love to do a OFTM cross grade book club. That’s my plan if I win. 🙂 And very likely even if I don’t. Love that book!


  21. I can’t wait to share this book with my students. I was on vacation poolside in Bar Harbor, Maine sniffling and wiping my noise as I read One For the Murphys. I absolutely loved the book. It left such an impact on my soul.


  22. This book was amazing and I can’t wait to share it with my students this year! I can picture my kids already and know they will hate the times we have to quit reading when class is over! Your generosity is appreciated!


  23. As I ready my classroom for the new school year, I’m always excited when others recommend a great read aloud!! I’m adding one for the murphys because my students live very hard and stressfull lives and hearing how the characters turn lemons into lemonade so to speak will give them solutions to weathering their lemony moments. Thanks so much for writing the stories that allows teachers to teach creatively and from the heart.


  24. Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! I REALLY want to win this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok-I have retweeted, tweeted on my account, and shared on my teaching facebook page!

    I can also sing a song, climb a mountain, and run a marathon if that helps! 🙂 Well, I might not be able to do all that, but I would certainly try!!!! 🙂



  25. Lynda, I have shared One For the Murphy’s with staff, parents, and students. Your book is truly having an impact on people at round the world. Thank you for your incredible work!
    Leah And Abby Whitford


  26. Thank you for recognizing how important class sets of novels are to teaching.


  27. Students already love the book. I will be sharing the book trailer when we get back to school.


  28. Thank you, Linda. I can’t wait to read One for the Murphys.


  29. Loved the story and think this give away is a great idea! Keep writing so we can keep reading!


  30. I am a volunteer teacher in a low-income district. These prizes would be wonderful for my school. I think I need a cape like in the post photo!


  31. Your enthusiasm and appreciative spirit towards teachers constantly encourages me! Someone in my class loved One For The Murphys so much that it disappeared… need to get another copy for this year! 🙂 I hadn’t heard of the other book but I will definitely check it out!


  32. Wow! You just made my day!! =) We love your book here in NoBo! I especially love that you are so willing to be thankful……what a kind heart….!!
    Library Media Specialist


  33. My 4th/5th students LOVED this as a read-aloud last year. And they thought it was cool that you responded on Twitter, too!


  34. LOVE that you are doing this for teachers! LOVED this book and would love to share it with a group of 5th graders. Also love the lanyard – my alter ego is “super librarian” – lol – but I do have a cape 🙂


  35. I loved “One for the Murphys” and have one copy in my classroom library. I’ve recommended it to several students.


  36. One For the Murphys was one of my favorite reads last year! This offer is wonderful.


  37. Wow! I thought what you did at Teacher’s Write was inspirational, and this is so sweet. Thanks for your appreciation.


  38. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway. You rock!! I happily recommend One for the Murphy’s to my students and would live to win swag and books to give my 8th graders.


  39. Love your book, I am looking forward to sharing this book with my class this year.


  40. What a great give away! Thank you. I can’t wait to check out these books!


  41. Wow!! What an incredible surprise package. Thanks for the kind words about teachers too 🙂


  42. Thank you for the opportunity to win such an amazing giveaway!
    Elizabeth, School Librarian


  43. Murphy Elementary would love this opportunity!
    Amy, Learning Coach


  44. What a generous giveaway! My copy of OFTM walked away this year, a true sign that students loved it 🙂


  45. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful book. It is a true depiction of being someone’s hero. Hoping to make that a class motto this year.


  46. I absolutely love your book! So many of my students can connect with Carley & understand her struggles because of their own lives. I just talked the other day to a girl who thought Carley was “really strong” and couldn’t wait to read more at home. Thanks for thinking of teachers. You rock, Lynda!


  47. What an amazing gift! I fell in love with your book this summer, and now my students are. Thank you for reaching out to the people you impact the most!


  48. What a great way to get everyone excited about going back to school! Thank you for recognizing teachers and giving away such a neat package!


  49. Great trailer by the way, will be using Aurasma on your book cover to allow the kids to see it! You are fabulous!


  50. Would love to share your book with my class. I talk to my students about looking beyond themselves & helping others. Thank you for recognizing the educators of the future generations.


  51. Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you so much for thinking of us! In addition to teaching 7th grade Language Arts, I am also heading our school’s literacy team this year, and I am looking for ways to get students – and teachers – excited about reading! A Skype visit with you would be awesome!


  52. Thank you for this generous giveaway. It reminded me that I need to share your book with my teaching colleagues, and that I wanted to ask if you’ve seen a new program from Nick News called Everyday Heroes. Thanks again.


  53. What an amazing giveaway and amazing book!! Thank you for it!!


  54. I would love love love this! One of my favorite books and would love to share with my students! They would love this too!


  55. My students love this book and so do I; this would be a HUGE asset to our classroom 🙂 Thank you for being so generous!


  56. What an amazing thing to do! Thank you for not only writing such an amazing story, but also for being so generous to students and teachers.


  57. This book has been a miracle for some if my students. There have been amazing connections and a few of the 6 th grade girls bonded with me as we discussed our tear drenched faces by the end of the book. Our school stresses caring and kindness, respect and honesty. All could be connected. Thank you for sharing your talent for our students to read.


  58. Wow! There were A LOT of entries for this giveaway—THANK YOU everyone! So, I compiled a very long list of people and their entries (name posted on list for each time you entered). Then I went up to my daughter’s room and asked her to choose a random number. Then, because I like to give away prizes (missed my calling as a game show host, I guess) I had her choose five more numbers.
    SO…here are the winners!

    BIG prize pack of ten signed books goes to:

    **Heather Jensen!!!

    Regular prize pack of one signed book, class set of bookmarks, and free skype visit with your class goes to:

    **Kim Mahoney
    **Brent Peterson
    **Michelle Haseltine
    **Jennifer Fountain
    **Amy Smith

    Winners—please DM me on Twitter with your mailing address at school. My name on Twitter is @Lynmullalyhunt

    So sorry that I can’t do more! I wish I could give prizes to everyone! However, I’ll do an identical giveaway of ten more books in September.

    In the meantime, have a wonderful beginning of the year.

    You are heroes.


Heroic comments: