Who is Travis Nickerson from Fish in a Tree? by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

My post on Nerdy Book Club. There is a giveaway on that site you may enter until Sunday, March 8, 2015. Find it here: https://nerdybookclub.wordpress.com/2015/03/01/who-is-travis-nickerson-from-fish-in-a-tree-by-lynda-mullaly-hunt/#comments

Nerdy Book Club

Fish in a Tree is about a sixth grader named Ally Nickerson who thinks she’s dumb. She isn’t dumb, but she does have undiagnosed dyslexia until she meets Mr. Daniels, her new teacher. Ally learns that, although dyslexia poses some challenges, it also has some special gifts wrapped up inside of it as well. She learns to own and respect who she is. Really is.

Ricky and I at cottageBut this isn’t the very first thing I knew about Ally. The very first thing I knew was that Ally loves her brother, Travis. I mean really adores him. The second Ally came to be, I knew this relationship through and through. Why? Because I knew “Travis” when I was little.

He didn’t look like he’d play the part of someone else’s savior.

His own mother called him a hood. He had long hair, a history of fighting, some brushes with the law, and a…

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4 Comments on “Who is Travis Nickerson from Fish in a Tree? by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

  1. This is a beautiful and touching post, Lynda! Thank you for sharing it … and for being you!!
    See you soon!! ❤


  2. I wish I could enter for the giveaway. But im not a teacher. Do you ever have giveaways that arent for teachers? I loved your first book One for the Murphys and really want to read this book.


  3. I would love to buy a Fish in a Tree t-shirt for a kiddie lit quilt I’m making for our school library. Could you please tell me where I can buy one? Thank you!


  4. Ms. Mullaly Hunt, my 4th grade daughter and I just finished Fish in a Tree and we can’t thank you enough for writing it. As she aptly said, “I loved it so much and it is like someone expanded on some of the ideas from “Thank you, Mr. Faulker” and made it a long, amazing story with so many different, incredible characters.” I hope you don’t mind the comparison to Patricia Pollaco as she is one of our favorites. I’ve already sent the book to my daughter’s 4th grade teacher, her former 2nd grade teacher and my two closest friends. My 6th grade son, who has listened to me read it to my daughter every night this week, while he was “supposed” to be reading his own book for a school assignment, just started it so he can get the whole story. Even from listening afar, however, he gleaned a lot from your book and channeled Albert when he finally stood up to someone at school this week. He actually cited Albert as his inspiration. I can’t thank you enough for writing the book. It is a beautifully written touching story and one that we won’t forget. One final question from my daughter; she wanted to know if the “anagram” that Mr. Daniels gives to his students to demonstrate (in some way) how someone with dyslexia might see a book, has a solution. Since we finished an hour ago, she has been painstakingly trying to figure it out. While she doesn’t want to know the answer, she just wants to know if there is one. Thanks so much.


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