Please Share Your Questions for My Last #GRAFIAT Video

Hey, GRA Fish in a Tree Readers!!!

Thanks for being fantastico

So, I have not filmed the LAST GRA video for FISH IN A TREE, so let me have your questions in the comments section here! I’ll choose a bunch and film the last one to be posted on Wednesday. (I will also read the last chapter for you)

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am SO grateful for each and every one of you. You have each given me a Silver Dollar Month!


53 Comments on “Please Share Your Questions for My Last #GRAFIAT Video

  1. Hello! our class has a few questions to ask 🙂
    1. What does the squashed ant represent in the chapter?
    2. What was the purpose of the letter problem?
    3. Why is Shay’s mom so mean?
    4. Why does Oliver like Ants?
    5. Why does Jessica follow Shay, if she doesn’t always agree with the she acts?

    Thank you!!


  2. Our class has a few questions for you:

    1. What are some reasons for why you like Oliver, or why did you include Oliver as a character in the book?
    2. Were there any bullies like Shay in your life? Is that why you included someone like Shay in your book?
    3. Why does Jessica hang around Shay, when we’ve seen that she is not as mean as Shay and recognize the good qualities in other people?

    Mrs. Guy’s Class
    Rochester Hills, MI


  3. Why did you think Oliver was supposed to be more important than other characters in the story? Was there someone like Oliver in your childhood?


  4. What were some of the deleted scenes from the ending of the book? (If there was any)


  5. Hello! I would like to ask a few questions. My questions are:
    1.Why did you create Mr. Daniel to teach Ally courage instead of Travis or Mrs.Silver?
    2.Will Travis take lessons with Ally to learn to read?
    3.When will another chapter come where Ally’s dad is included?
    4.Will Shay be friends with Ally after she got all the friendship bracelets that she charged back?
    5.How will Jessica react after she and all of Shay’s so called friends left Shay?
    6.How did you come to the idea of Albert having nicknames for everybody like flying tiger or baby?
    Thank you!


  6. Why did you decide that Oliver’s sister be affected with something?


  7. Does Albert’s hair actually look like Albert Einstein’s hair?


  8. 1. How did you learn to read with dyslexia?
    2. Why do you think Shay is so mean? Is it because of her mom?
    3. Why doesn’t Jessica have the confidence to be herself?

    Thank you!
    Ms. Hamel’s Class
    Crozet, VA


  9. Thanks for considering our questions.
    1. What was wrong with Oliver’s sister?
    2. Why didn’t Ally ever say anything?
    3. When you are writing how do you know when you have added enough and when you need to add more?
    4. Are you already working on your next novel? Can you give us any hints about the characters? Will it be another strong girl role model?


  10. What advice do you have for people who want to be authors someday, and for kids that have a hard time reading?


  11. What makes you love Oliver so much?
    How do you come up with the ideas for your characters? in any of your books?
    How you ever experienced a person like Shay in your life?


  12. Hi Lynda! One of my third grade students was curious about the letters in the Title…Fish In a Tree. He asked me if I noticed that the letters vertically spell FIT and “In” is in the middle of the title. Allie had a hard time fitting in didn’t she? Therefore, our question to you Lynda is, Did you create the title for us to figure this out?


  13. Thank you for considering our question:
    We have not read the whole book yet, we are only on Chapter 20, however, many of my students are wondering why you chose Fish In A Tree for the title? Maybe we will learn more as we read more but thought we would ask. We love your book and can’t put it down. We can’t wait to see what else you write.

    Thank you
    Mrs. Heck’s 5th Grade Class
    Clarendon Hills, IL


  14. Our class is a little behind on the GRA schedule. We just finished Ch. 33 and feel some of these may be answered as we read further, but they are our questions now.

    Why does Mr. Daniels call his class Fantasticos?

    Will Shay and Jessica not be friends by the end of the book?

    Will Shay and Ally become friends?

    Will Jessica and Ally be friends?

    Will Albert learn to stand up for himself?


  15. Mrs. Peterson’s class would like to know…
    Was there an alternate ending? If so what was it and how did you choose to stick with this one?



  16. Mrs. Ludwig’s 5th graders in San Ramon, California want to know:
    1. What inspired you to write this book?
    2. Is this your personal favorite out of the books you have written?
    3. The scene where Keisha and Ally go to Albert’s house seems a little unusual. What was the purpose behind writing that scene? Why is Albert’s family so unusual? Why don’t they have food?
    4. Will there be a sequel to FIAT?
    Thank you – the kids have absolutely loved this book. In addition, as a teacher, the story is an “eye-opener”! Michele Ludwig


  17. Mrs. Campbell’s 3rd Graders at Beechwood School in Fullerton, California…

    They had a lot of questions for you, here are some of them:

    1. Did you enjoy making this book? (From Jack)
    2. Was this story based on your life? (From Karina)
    3. Why did you title it Fish in a Tree? (From Alan)
    4. Why is Ally the main character? (From Cruz)
    5. Is it hard writing books and do you have some kind of thing that inspires you?
    6. How long did it take for you to write this book? (From Nicholas)
    7. Why doesn’t Ally know how to read?
    8. Do you know Ally Nickerson? Why did you make this book? (From Matia)
    9. How did you think of all the characters?
    10. Why did you choose to write this book? (Evan S.)
    11. Is this some part of your childhood? (From Lexi)
    12. What inspired you be be an author? (From Amber)

    And here are just a few comments from them too…
    1. I think you are a great author! (From Peyton)
    2. I like the book, what you wrote in it is very detailed and interesting. (From Eira)
    3. I love how you made it so that Ally was having better times at school.

    Thanks so much! We have very much enjoyed reading this book!! We can’t wait to get through the last few chapters.


  18. Hi! I just had a couple questions.

    1. Who exactly are the boys that bully Albert?

    2. Is Travis dyslexic too?

    3. Are the following characters based on people in your life?: Albert, Keisha, Oliver, Max, Shay, and Jessica.

    4. Is something gonna happen to Ally’s dad? (come home or get hurt, etc.)

    I love the book! Can’t wait to finish it!


  19. If you could pick the ideal career for Ally…what would it be? How do you see her as an adult? (Mrs. Bond)

    Have you ever seen cupcakes like Keisha’s? How did you come up with that idea? (Carson)


  20. Our class (Room 09 – Blakely Elementary) had some of the same questions as others. Why did Mr. Daniels call them Fantasticos? Why did you write the book?
    The students read an interview in which you said you wanted to write a book from Albert’s point of view and they wanted to know if you had ever considered writing from Keisha’s point of view.
    Thank you for being so open and honest in discussing the book. You were inspirational.


  21. This is great that you are allowing your young audience this type of opportunity.

    Mrs. Bowe and Mrs. McCarthy’s Grade 6 (Nassau) would like to know:

    1. What was the motivating factor for writing a book such as Fish In a Tree? Was it in any way influenced by a personal experience with dyslexia?

    2. There are many unique characters in the story, with their own intriguing stories. What was your inspiration for creating and developing these characters, especially Ally?

    3. As we read we were ‘engulfed’ by the powerful quotes in the book. Where did these quotes come from? Did these come from things you heard as a child from your parents or from family and friends?

    4. Is any part of this book a reflection of your life story, and would you write another similar novel about differences/disabilities?


  22. My KG LRC Brown Bag Book Club would like to know what you do when you just can’t write – even when you really, really want to? Is there a special trick or technique you would like to share with us? And, by the way, we LOVE your work!


  23. Hi, we’ve come up with a few questions all the way from Australia!

    1. Which is your favourite character in the book?
    2. Does Max actually like Ally?
    3. Why did you choose to put Ally’s dad in the army?
    4. Why is Shay’s mum so mean?
    5. Why did you make Albert so smart?

    Thanks, we’ve loved reading the book!

    Miss Andrew’s Grade 4 class, Horsham, Australia


  24. Hi Ms.Lynda,
    Why did you write this book, did somebody motivate you and what is the code in chapter 47


  25. What inspired you to write books and do you enjoy them? By the way we love Fish in a Tree please keep up the good work.


  26. I have just a few more

    1. What’s wrong with Oliver’s sister?

    2. Does Shay have a reason for being a bully? (her mom acted mean to her)


  27. Good Morning Mrs. Hunt,
    Our grade 5/6 Wonderfuls class would like to ask the following questions:
    1. Where did you get the idea for FIAT?
    2. What inspired you to be an author?
    3. Is Shay a bully because her mom is mean to her?
    4. Why did you decide to make Ally dyslexic?
    5. How did you make up the characters? And their likes and traits?
    6. Does FIAT remind you of something that happened to you?
    7. What was your favourite mind movie while writing FIAT?
    8. Why did you pick this book?
    9. Where did you get Ally’s personality from?
    10. What’s your favourite part of the book?
    11. Which character is most like you and your personality?


    • Any chance your class would want to do a Google Hangout with our class to talk about FIAT?


  28. What inspired you to write this story… Is it from a real life thing that happened.


  29. Hi there! Our Life Skills class in Ottawa loves your book and we have a few questions to ask you.

    1. Why did you make Ally dyslexic?
    2. Why is Albert always covered with bruises?
    3. How did you make the book? What was your inspiration?
    4. How long did it take you to write the book?
    5. Why did you name the book “Fish in a Tree”?
    6. Where is your favourite place to write?
    7. Did you find any inspiration from main character in the book “Wonder” for the main character Ally?


  30. Our Reading class in Hockessin, Delaware would love to know the answers to the following:
    1. Did you every feel betrayed by your teacher the way Ally felt betrayed by Mr. Daniels when the sub told her that she did not have to write.
    2. Did you actually run for class president like Ally?
    3. Did you really have a friend like Albert who didn’t have enough to eat?
    4. Did you have a friend who was really good at baking like Keisha?
    5. Did you have a bully in your school like Shay?

    Thanks so much!


  31. Hi there,
    My grade 8 Life Skills class has a few questions for you 🙂

    1. How long did it take you to write FIAT?
    2. What inspired you to write the book?
    3. How did you come to know about the quote “Fish in a Tree”?
    4. Why did you choose the characters that are in the book? Did you base the characters on people you know in real-life?
    5. How long did it take you to edit your story?
    6. Did you ever have an awkward moment like Ally did when she gave Mrs. Hall a sympathy card?

    Happy Remembrance Day! God bless all of the veterans and current members of our armed forces who serve to bring peace and justice in the world!


  32. My Third Grade class has a few questions, and we are about to begin Chapter 42.

    1. Why is Albert so logical?
    2. What inspired you to write this story?
    3. Are there any other items in your room that are in the book like the “Star is Born” picture?

    We love FIAT!

    Mrs. Gleeson’s Third Grade
    Scottish Corners Elementary
    Dublin, Ohio


  33. No new questions, but wanted you to know how much our team has loved meeting Ally and learning about her life. We have also appreciated getting to know you and being able to understand the book to a greater degree. We can’t wait until your follow up novel from Albert’s POV. It will be amazing. 🙂


  34. Thank you for asking for our questions! We have LOVED, LOVED, LOVED reading your book and participating in GRA. These are the questions that Mrs. Ray’s 5th graders in St. Charles, Illinois, have for you:

    When you were Ally’s age did you have any of the same experiences that she had?

    Did you have a person in your life Albert and his family? If so, what were they like?

    How did you come up with the names of your characters? Was there a meaning behind their names?

    When did writing become a big part of your life?

    Why aren’t Suki,Oliver and Max developed as well developed as Ally, Keisha and Albert?

    Why did you did you choose to write about the chapter 42: The Gifts Of No Excuses, Scotch Tape and Antibiotics?

    If you could give advice to other writers who are just starting off on their “journey” to becoming a published author, what would you say?

    Have a terrific week and thanks for considering our questions!



  35. We have really enjoyed reading Fish in a Tree and participating in the GRA. Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us. Fish in a Tree is a featured book at our Scholastic Book Fair. Many copies have flown off the shelves this week. 🙂
    Mrs. Hatcher’s Fourth Grade
    Spring Mill Elementary
    Indianapolis, IN


  36. Hello from Room 1 West End School New Plymouth New Zealand
    My class have 2 questions
    How long did it take to write this book?
    Are there plans for a movie of the book.
    As an aside from a New Zealand point of view there were a couple of references we had to google or didn’t understand.
    I-M-A-G-E lightbulb was lost on my class.
    The Island of Misfit toys we had to google as no one had heard of it.
    Mind you if I was writing a book it would have New Zealand cultural references, so tis is not meant as a criticism but as a comment.
    It was also not until page 138 that we realised that Keisha was African American and we were wondering if we missed any clues along the way about this.
    Thanks for the book we enjoyed it and learnt a lot about dyslexia along the way
    Warren Smart


  37. Greetings from Stoughton, WI!
    Our question for you is: What did writing this book teach you?

    Thank you for sharing this story with us. We have a surprise for you our teacher will deliver at NCTE.

    Room 1


  38. Greetings from Rhode Island! Here are a few questions from the 6th grade class at The Grace School at Meeting Street in Providence.
    1.What inspired you to write FIAT?
    2.What is your favorite part of the book?
    3.How long did it take you to write it?
    4. What was your thinking when you created Jessica?
    5 For the book about Albert, we thought of 2 titles,either Flint or Flint, Steel, Magnesium. What do you think?


  39. Hello from Calgary, Alberta, Canada! We have LOVED your book! We ran a bit behind due to our Canadian school schedule, so we are still looking forward to the last 10 chapters. Thank you!


  40. How did you get the inspiration or the idea to write Fish in a Tree?
    In your earlier video you mentioned you may write another book with these characters older. Will Ally move to yet another school? Will she visit the characters if she moves away?


  41. Do you have any deleted chapters
    What is your favorite color
    Do you like your last name
    Do you have any brothers or sisters
    Do you Have a dad or mom
    Who lives with you
    Who named you
    Do you like to put inspiration in your books
    Do you have a husband
    Do you have Instagram
    Are you afraid of the dark
    Do you have themes
    Do you have a Favourite video game


  42. Questions from Miss LaLonde’s 4th grade class:

    What was the code for the secret message?
    • Will you make a sequel?
    • Did you base Ally’s character off of your life?
    • Is Travis based off of anyone real?
    • Did Ally’s dad ever find out that she learned to read?
    • Does Travis have dyslexia?
    • Did Mrs. Hall ever come back?
    • Did anyone in your family have dyslexia?
    • How many books are you planning on writing?
    • Did Ally’s dad come home?
    • Did Shay ever become nicer?
    • Are Albert and Keisha based off of anyone you knew?
    • Does Albert become a scientist when he grows up?
    • Did you have dyslexia?
    • Does Jessica start hanging out with Ally?
    • Did Ally learn to read?
    • Are there multiple covers for the book?


  43. My class LOVED “Fish in a Tree” so much that I just ordered “One For the Murphy’s” to begin reading next week. The thing that I liked most about it was the numerous opportunities to identify inferences & idioms, as well as being able to practice making predictions–all things that are standard in 6th grade Reading, but sometimes difficult to find and illustrate. You also hit on issues that kids can relate to and offered viable solutions. Thank you! You have 60 new fans of your writing. If you are ever in Arizona, we would excitedly welcome a visit.


  44. What an awesome giveaway! Also, what an amazing demonstration of support for your fellow authors as an example for our students 🙂 thank you!


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