FISH IN A TREE En Espanol Giveaway

Hey! As promised, I have gotten my hands on a SPANISH version of FISH IN A TREE. It came all the way from Amazon Spain.

Usually, I choose winners randomly, but here I will ask entrants to tell me in the comments section why they would like this Spanish copy. Giveaway will end on October 30th at 11:59pm and will be mailed out the following morning.

Muchas gracias por entrar en mi regalo para COMO PEZ EN EL ÁRBOL 🙂

spanish FIAT2


22 Comments on “FISH IN A TREE En Espanol Giveaway

  1. I am a school librarian in an upper elementary school in Charlottesville, VA. I started a reading program with teachers this year to read Fish in a Tree and then pass the books on to other teachers. Those teachers then added the book to their classroom libraries for students to have access to. I received 30 copies of the book through a Donors a Choose project. It would be great to have a Spanish copy to add to the school library. This way, our Spanish speaking (and reading) students can more easily access the text that everyone around them is reading and talking about. We love Fish in a Tree and a Spanish copy would be an exciting addition to our school library.
    Rebecca Flowers
    Walker Upper Elementary School


  2. Our school has a high population of Spanish speaking students. We also have a dual language program within our school (Spanish) and I have a few of those students in my class who are reading independent choice books in both languages at different times of their day.


  3. We are a 5th grade Dual Language class. We spend 50% of our time learning in English and the other 50% in Spanish. Although their surroundings sent a different message, I strive to instill in my students the value of both languages. I want them to internalize that being bilingual is something to be proud of rather than a shameful quality to have. When I can offer them the same book in both languages it helps send that powerful message. We are currently participating in GRA and I have a student who recently arrived from a Latin America Country knowing no English. When he listens to me read FIAT to the class he desperately wants to capture the meaning and learning the others are having so he listens for a word he might know, illustrates it and labels it. Although I differentiate for him the guilt that he doesn’t truly know Ally, Keisha, or Albert or that he doesn’t get to be upset at Jessica or Shay the way the others do makes me question whether what I’m doing is right. Having the book in Spanish would give him the same window of opportunity to think deeply about the story as the rest of the class. I want him to fall in love with the book and with reading just like his classmates.


  4. I am the head of the ESOL department AND I teach in a highly gifted program with advanced readers. There are Spanish speakers in both who need access to good stories in Spanish — in both cases to remember why their own Spanish is valuable, and that they shouldn’t lose it or feel it is less important than English.


  5. I teach in a dual Spanish/English class in the English side. We have been reading FIAT in English, but I have a student that just moved to the USA and speaks little English. The Spanish copy would be amazing for him to have so he can love the book as much as our other classmates do!!


  6. I work with kids for whom reading can be a challenge, & some of them are ELL students. Our biggest goal is not just to teach reading, but to LOVE books. Espaniol FIAT would be a wonderful addition, not only for the GRA, but for many years to come in our library! Thanks for all you do, Ms. Hunt, and whatever you do KEEP WRITING! We need more books like yours and authors who care as much as you do.


  7. We would love a copy of Fish in a Tree in Spanish. We are a Welcome Center for middle school English language learners in our district. By providing books in home languages for our ELLs, we do so much that is good for our students and good us. One, we show that all knowledge, regardless of culture or language is valued. Two, we provide welcome and entry points for students who might feel awfully discombobulated because they’ve had to leave all that is familiar to them…I could go on and on. Rest assured, if we win, this book will be in a students hand within hours of us receiving it. After, it will continue to be booktalked and passed on to students who are Spanish readers–both as their first or later languages. Thanks!


  8. My class absolutely loves Fish in a Tree, as we are reading it for the Global Read Aloud–and I know the other 4th graders in our school will, too! My school is in an urban district that is largely made up of immigrant families, the majority of which are Spanish-speaking. Therefore, we have a large population of English language learners in my school. This book would be a great addition for our ELL classrooms, as a choice for students who are proficient in Spanish and would like to read this book with their families. It would be kept in our school library, which is actually the center of our elementary complex made up of four schools (and services over 2000 students!)


  9. Soy un bibliotecario en una escuela bilingüe. Primero es difícil encontrar buenos libros en español pero también es difícil convencer a muchos de mis estudiantes a leer más en español por que todos le gustan mejor al inglés. Seria una motivación e incentivo grande si tuviera un libro recibido y firmado por la autora. Gracias por esta oportunidad, pero también por tener tus libros en español.


  10. Well first off I think you are a great author and I love One For the Murphys and Fish In A tree. I think that I should have the copy because it would be cool to see Fish In A Tree in other peoples perspectives and also so I can feel how it is to talk,read,and write in Spanish. Once again thank you for bringing me and the world such great books to read and thank you for making them DIFFERENT!


  11. I’m not sure I should even be entering but have found it impossible to find this book in Spanish for purchase at this time. My grandchildren are in a Spanish immersion program and a military family so they understand the challenges with frequent moves to new states and new schools. I would love for a Spanish version of this book to find it’s way to their new school in Alaska.


  12. i would like this book because i love spanish and i would love to read in spainish so i can read this tomy class once more thanks and please say yes


  13. Well fist off you are my favorite author.right now I am reading one for the Murphy’s and is the best book ever.Ithink I should have the copy because it would be so nice of you to let us read this very special book.also for us to learn more about spasinish in the best book in the world.we could also put are place into ally’s shoes to feal what she feals like in her opion.oh and thank you for taking your time for writing this book.once more thank you😊😀 and smile for ally



  14. Como Pez en el Arbol would a fantastic addition to our school library! Having your book in Spanish available in the library would be such a gift for the students in our two-way bilingual immersion school in urban Arlington, VA. If we are selected, I could share Fish in a Tree with ALL of our students, including those who have just arrived in this country and are new to the school. Additionally, an engaging book about dyslexia and the differences that make us great like this one would work perfectly for our all 5th grade read at the end of the year. We have 720 uniquely wonderful students to whom I would love to read this book! ¡Muchas gracias!


  15. Hi my name is Janie and I love Fish In a Tree. My class is doing the global read aloud for fish in a tree. I love Spanish. I want to learn it one day.You are my favorite author. Please if I win contact my teacher at


  16. My son graduates from college in December. He has already been building his classroom library. Since he will be certified to teach English and Spanish I would LOVE to give this to him for graduation!


  17. My classroom is over half Hispanic. Their primary language at home is Spanish. I am a fourth-grade teacher who is currently going to graduate school to get an ELL endorsement and my Masters degree. It would be a great connection to have the book in Spanish. The students would benefit greatly. We have connected with another classroom on Twitter, we have shared numerous kahoots, a novel guide I created for the book, and padlets for Fish in a Tree! The class LOVES the book! Thank you! @peebles142


  18. Great book but next time u should add in just a little bit more “mof” to your story but it was still great


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