Back to My Writing Roots–The OFFICIAL Launch Party of MURPHYS

So…Can I just say HOW EXCITED I am about my *official CT launch* of One for the MURPHYS at the Glastonbury, CT Barnes and Noble this Thursday, May 24th at 6:00?!

My career literally started in this store when I joined a writers’ group about ten years back and was welcomed with open arms. I made good friends, learned a lot, and also took a liking to Mocha Lattes.

This is also a special store to me, as I wrote about 20% of MURPHYS at the table near the window. Coincidentally, OFTM takes place in Glastonbury, CT, with scenes set in Smith Middle School and Welles-Turner Library. Also, a whole chapter takes place in the Hallmark Store next door to the B&N.

I am happily collecting Red Sox and semi-happily collecting NY Yankees items for raffles.  You’ll also find some “Be someone’s hero” t-shirts, a real live prop from the book, and other eclectic items. I promise to entertain with adventurous tales of my travels across the wilds of…erm…Glastonbury. I’ll tell you why I set OFTM there, the very unlikely thing that sparked the book in my head, and talk about some things other writers (of any age) can do to improve their writing. I may even wear a gorilla suit. (I said *may*)

Friends, teacher colleagues, former students, and fellow writers (and, hopefully, kids!) will join me in my celebration. Can’t WAIT!!! Hope you can join us!


9 Comments on “Back to My Writing Roots–The OFFICIAL Launch Party of MURPHYS

  1. There are many people excited about your launch party! It will be a blast!


  2. Can’t wait! Didn’t place the Hallmark store, but I see it now! I have my OFTM launch outfit all picked out and ready to go! 😉


    • Wow! I have been wondering what to wear as well. But, somehow, I think that you’re going to have me beaten as far as originality points go. 🙂


  3. I’m so upset that I missed your book launch in Glastonbury for OFTM!! I live in West Hartford and would have LOVED to go! hope you will be back again!


  4. Wow! I”m late to the party but congratulations! It’s been a crazy few weeks and I’m just now starting to catch up with my blogs that I read. Looking forward to checking out your book!


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